Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pitter Patter Of Things Happening

The saying is that when it rains, it pours. Well, there is also a song about how it never rains in Southern California, but I will say that the former statement is truer for me than the latter. Since arriving in the golden state of California, fortune has pushed me through some of the hardest times of my life, yet has managed to reward all my efforts of the last couple of years. My artwork, which started as a whimsy to preserve my mind, has begun to take off into a serious, and rewarding, career. Alive and well on the Internet, my photography has finally hit the streets of San Diego in the form of the wonderful year-round street markets and fairs. The pleasure I have had in meeting the friendly folk of So Cal has been enormous, plus the colorful variety of tourists from all across the globe. Not only have the marketplaces increased my interaction with this community, but the laid back lifestyle has prompted my creative juices to produce not one, but two new books, both in a relatively short period of time. I never dreamed of making a photography coffee table book, and yet I have. It took an enormous labor of love to publish my first book, "The Blackness Of Indigo", but the love poetry and photography contained within my latest poetry book, "The Passion Of Red" flowed easily and seamlessly. So, my advice to all those dreamers and fledgling entrepreneurs is to stay the course and hang in there. It will take time and have a lot of set backs, but if you just enjoy the journey instead of focusing so hard on the end goal, you will achieve your aims and feel more self rewarded along the way.